76 Bn: Nov 1994 to Apr 1995
The Mosque in Brashit during renovations. Mick Woodland did not leave it like this when he changed the music with the 45th | Ned Coady, Connie Morrissey, Eddie Galvin, Frankie Quinlivan, Tom Grace, - -, Mick ODwyer, Jimmy ODonoghue, Mick Corbett |
77 Bn: May 1995 to Oct 1995
Bullet Holes, Niall Gorey | Niall Gorey, Denis Walsh | Niall Gorey, Cushy Duty |
78 Bn: Nov 1995 to Apr 1996
Tony Gardiner, Tommy Carroll RIP, Mark Somers, Frankie Quinlivan, Stephen OGrady RIP, Connie Morrissey | Frankie Quinlivan, Kiki Walsh, Nuts Daniels, Dessie OLoughlin, Seanie Cosgrave |
79 Bn: May 1996 to Oct 1996
Group HQ, Pat Hinchy back row | Paul Fitzgerald on Pipes | Donal OSullivan RIP, Batsy Walsh |
80 Bn: Nov 1996 to Apr 1997
81 Bn: May 1997 to Oct 1997
Tommy Carroll RIP, Mick OConnell |
82 Bn: Nov 1997 to Apr 1998
83 Bn: May 1998 to Oct 1998
John Murray, Danny Carroll, Billy Butler, Joe Ryan, MJ Hogan, Eddie Coady, Chris McCarthy, John Corbett, Andy Tobin |
84 Bn: Nov 1998 to Apr 1999
- -, Foxy Morrissey, John Thompson, Liam McMarlowe RIP, Mickey Devine, - - | Liam McMarlowe RIP, on a 60 Hour in Isreal | John Thompson, Mike Corbett. |
Liam McMarlowe RIP | John Thompson, Liam McMarlowe RIP, Trp OHara, Mousey Hannon Jnr. On a 60 Hour | John Thompson, Liam McMarlowe RIP |
Jock RIP, ready to serve up dinner | Liam McMarlowe RIP, John Thompson, Mike Corbett, COs lads. | Quarter Guard, Liam McMarlowe RIP, John Thompson, Mousey Hannon Jnr, - -. |
Tommy Carroll RIP | Pln Photo, B Coy 84 Bn | John Thompson, Liam McMarlowe |
Mick Corbett, John Thompson |
85 Bn: May 1999 to Oct 1999
86 Bn: Nov 1999 to Apr 2000
87 Bn: May 2000 to Oct 2000
Frankie Quinlivan, Mick Gleeson, Pa Hogan |
105 Bn
Group Photo, includes, Stan Hurley, John Thompson, Seanie Cosgrave | John Thompson, Seanie Cosgrave | John Thompson, Stan Hurley |
Fitness Test Part 3, - Flaherty, John Thompson, Angela Aylmer | Rock Ryan, Seanie Cosgrave, Mick Hennessy | Bn Leprechaun Seanie |
Stan Hurley, Greg Waters, Owen Mac | Stan Hurley makes another presentation | |