48 Bn: Nov 1980 to Apr 1981
Gerry Shine and Friends | Gerry Shine, Johnny Barry RIP | Johnny Barry RIP, Gerry Shine, rehearsing |
Johnny Barry RIP, John Joyce, - - | Johnny Barry RIP, possibly outside Mansours Mingy Shop | Johnny Barry RIP, Swanning |
Johnny Barry RIP, Tommy Hickey RIP, Mick Fogarty | Ray Frawley RIP 47 Bn, Johnny Barry RIP, Mick Fogarty | Taxi for Beruit |
View from the Post | Ray Frawley RIP 47 Bn, Johnny Barry RIP, Pat Stallard | Joe Ryan, Paul Sherlock, Bob Ryan RIP, John Lynch. |
49 Bn: May 1981 to Oct 1981
Mike Keane and Mike McNamara |
50 Bn: Nov 1981 to Apr 1982
Mick Corbett, Norman Walters RIP | Norman Walters RIP, Mick Corbett | Mick Corbett, Mick Kennedy, Norman Walters, Mick Bourke |
Niall Breen, Joe Duggan, Mick Corbett | Ger OBrien, - Keogh | Back, Mick Kennedy RIP. Front John Cooney, Eammon Siggins, Tommy Burns, Packie ODonoghue RIP |
Joe Nash, Eddie Galvin, Norman Walters RIP. |
51 Bn: May 1982 to Oct 1982
- -, Mick Bullman, Frank Greaney, carrying out repairs to an injured bird | Pat Skippy Kelly, Tommy Dorney RIP | Tommy Dorney RIP, Brian White, Johnny Scott, John Power RIP, - -, Cecil McMahon, - -, -Tom -, Pa OBrien, Sean Hickey |
Mick Bullman, Almaza Training | Front - -, Mick Troy, Gerry Hall, Pa OBrien, Brian White, Tom -, Sean Hickey, Tommy Dorney RIP, Cecil McMahon, Gerry Frawley. 2nd Row, Dennie OKeeffe, - -, Tony Dawson RIP, John Holden, Mick Bullman, Sean Hogan, Stephen OConnor RIP, Christian OBrien. 3rd Row Mick Woodland, P Kelly, G Mitchell, Mick Finucane, - -, - -, Pat Dillon, - -, 4th Row, - -, - -, - -, - -, - -, - -, - -, | Gerry Hall |
Gunga Hayes taking aim | Hurry up and wait, G Mitchell, M Finucane RIP, S Keogh, S Hogan, T Dawson RIP | G Hall, with that BAP again |
Included Kevin Hanley, Gerry Frawley and Brian White at the 51st Bn Christmas Do | Mick Bullman startled at the prices | Mick Bullman and Stevie Keogh very alert |
B Coy Medal Parade 51st | The first mingy barber Cecil McMahon | Mick Troy, Mick woodland, Eddie OSullivan, G Frawley, Brian White, Gerry Hall |
- -, Pa OBrien, Tommy Dorney RIP | Pa OBrien on Duty, Tech Town ? | That Bap again, this time Pa OBrien. |
Martin Nugent, PJ Hassett, MPs swanning again | Pa OBrien, Cecil McMahon, Tommy Dorney RIP, Mick Bullman, sup chai | Sean Hickey advertising Almaza instead of wine |
Sean Hickey, Pa OBrien on CP Duty | Sean Hickey, - -, Pa OBrien, Tommy Dorney RIP | Cecil McMahon with hat, Stephen OConnor RIP, Sean Hickey |
Pa OBrien supervising the Isreali Invasion | - -, Bob Ryan RIP, Johnny Barry RIP, Eddie OCarroll, Johnny Barry Collection | - -, Joe Ryan, Johnny Barry RIP, - -, Pat Curtin RIP, Bob Ryan RIP, Tony Cronin, Johnny Barry Collection |
- -, Johnny Barry RIP, Johnny Barry Collection | - -, Johnny Barry RIP, Johnny Barry Collection | - -, Tom OLeary, happy birthday lads, Johnny Barry Collection |
Canteen Time again, Johnny Barry Collection | Canteen Run ?, Johnny Barry RIP, Johnny Barry Collection | Pat Curtin RIP, Johnny Barry RIP, Bob Ryan RIP, Tony Cronin, Johnny Barry Collection |
Eddie OCarroll in full song, Johnny Barry Collection | George Bulger RIP, enjoying the canteen time, Johnny Barry Collection | Hair cuts lads, Johnny Barry RIP, Johnny Barry Collection |
George Bulger RIP, Johnny Barry Collection | George Bulger RIP, in great form, Johnny Barry Collection | Jim Nevada Kelly and Johnny Barry RIP, moving sandbags, Johnny Barry Collection |
Joe Ryan watches on as Johnny Barry entertains, Eddie OCarroll, Johnny Barry Collection | - -, bedtime, Johnny Barry Collection | Joe Ryan, - -, Johnny Barry, - -, John Lynch, - -, Johnny Barry Collection |
On Patrol, Johnny Barry Collection | Johnny Barry on CP Duty, this could be from the 44th, Johnny Barry Collection | Bob Ryan RIP, Johnny Barry RIP, Eddie OCarroll, Johnny Barry Col |
Johnny Barry RIP, Eddie OCarroll, George Bulger RIP. Johnny Barry Collection | Johnny Barry RIP on duty, Johnny Barry collection | Johnny Barry RIP, Sean Hickey, Johnny Barry Collection |
Johnny Barry RIP and Willie OConnor on right, Johnny Barry collection | Johnny Barry RIP, John Lynch with cravat, Johnny Barry collection | Johnny in action, Johnny Barry Collection |
Memorial to Tom Barrett, Johnny Barry Collection | Mingy Man, Johnny Barry RIP, Johnny Barry Collection | More sandbags lads, Johnny Barry Collection |
More beer for the lads, Johnny Barry Colle | Samsons Bar Nahariya, Johnny Barry Colloection | Session in the Canteen, Johnny Barry Collection |
Tom Tea Bag OLeary, Johnny Barry Collection | Tony Cronin about to shave his head, Johnny Barry Collection | Tony Cronin and Johnny Barry waiting for the socks to dry, Johnny Barry collection |
Tony Cronin, - -, Johnny Barry RIP, Johnny Barry Collection | They had a cuppa while waiting, Johnny Barry Collection | Willie OConnor, Bob Ryan RIP, Tony Cronin, Johnny Barry Collection |
Mick Bullman, Cecil McMahon, any idea where we would get a few cans of Almaza | Tony Wallace, Cecil McMahon, Mick Bullman | Pat OBrien, Mick Bullman, Gerry Mitchell, Sean Hickey |
52 Bn: Nov 1982 to Apr 1983
- -, Liam McMarlowe RIP, Noel OGrady RIP, - -, James Walsh, Nicky McNamara, Martin Hannon | Bernie Mac RIP and friends | Ger Gradiner, James Walsh |
James Walsh, Noel OGrady RIP | Noel OGrady RIP | Billy Curtin call home |
Billy Curtin, Bernie Mac RIP | Danny Coote, Joe Nash in Tyre | Foxy ODonnell, Tony McDonnell, Tony McGarry on patrol |
Gerry Williams | - -, Noel OGrady RIP, Tom Leahy, James Walsh, - -, Foxy ODonnell | - -, Liam McMarlow RIP, James Walsh |
Noel OGrady RIP, James Walsh RIP, Tony Hogan RIP | - -, Nicky McNamara, Liam McMarlow RIP, Tony Hogan RIP | Tony Hogan RIP, Ger Gardiner |
Foxy ODonnell, John Cawley RIP | Tony Hogan RIP, Noel OGrady RIP, - - - -. | Back Martin Hannon, Ger Gardiner, - -, Martin Butler, Middle Tony Hogan RIP, Noel OGrady RIP, Mike Mason, Front John Thompson, Jamsie Walsh RIP, Tony Gardiner. |
John Finnegan, Tommy ODwyer, Maurice Boland | Colin Costin, Waterford. Trevor Blanche, Tipperary. Fred Donovan, Cork. Joe Ward, Limerick. The 4th Bn on tour, outside the canner in Haddathah. Photo Trevor Blanche | |
53 Bn: May 1983 to Oct 1983
Rama Walsh, Alfie Earls, Jimmy McCarthy | Paul Small, Stan Hurley | Rama Walsh, Jimmy McCarthy, Tom Grace |
Stan Hurley, Peter OConnor, Paul Small, Rama Walsh, Mick ODonnell RIP, Jimmy McCarthy, John Ahern RIP, Blackie Lysaght, Alfie Ears, Sean OCallaghan | Stan Hurley, Mingy shopping | Rama Walsh, Bill Mullery |
54 Bn: Nov 1983 to Apr 1984
Brendan Healy, John Power DSM RIP, Cyril Shanahan, Mick Shanahan | Back Ritchie Crowe, Ger Hannon, Mick Shanahan, Gerry Noonan RIP, Joe Hayes, Willie Scott, - -, Danny Nugent RIP, - -, Dermot Cummins. Middle, Willie Ahern, Mikes Kiely RIP, - -, - -, Eddie Coady, - -, Mick Murphy, Con Nugent, Joe Cooney, Skippy Kelly RIP. Front, Aidan McInerney, John Power DSM RIP, Brian Reade, Brendan Healy, Pat Nash, Cyril Shanahan, 3pl Christmas party | COs inspection. Martin Bulldog Coakley on right |
Aidan McInerney, Con Nugent, Mick McNamara. Pakie Kelly, Eddie Coady | Joe Ryan, John Sweeney, Jimmy Maher, Skippy Granville, Pat Curtin RIP | B Coy Stand By Pln, Haddathah |
All from Ballynanty, Pakie Kelly, Dermot Cummins, Aidan McInerney, Mick McNamara, Ken OBrien, Mick Tobin | Billy Butler on Duty bemoaning the shortage of Cabbage | Barry Healy, Ben Murphy, Danny Nugent RIP |
Ber Kelly, COs inspection | Brads on line repair | Martin Bulldog Coakley on duty, Haddathah CP |
Brendan Healy, Skippy Kelly RIP, Mick McNamara, Billy Butler, Cyril Shanahan | Bn COs visit to At tiri. | - -, Martin Buldog Coakley on 60Hr Jerusalem |
Brads, D McGinley, Mick McNamara | Brads swanning again | Brian Reade, Brendan Healy |
Connie and Brads topping up the tan | COs inspection, Noel Lutteral on left of guard | Charlie Hennigar |
Connie Nugent on Line repair, I think he found the problem | Sleeping Beauty | Dicky Doyle |
Cpl Tommy Carroll, Tpr Skippy Granville (1st Cav) and John Holden at the checkpoint in Scribben while with B Coy 54th Bn. | Dermot Cummins, Ger Hannon, Paddy Guerin, - -, Danny Nugent RIP, - -, Charlie Hennigar | Gerry Noonan Coy COs driver talking to Bn COs driver |
Inspection time in Rashaf | Ken OBrien and Connie Nugent having a can or two | Ken OBrien, - -, Mick Spud Murphy |
Ken OBrien, John Power DSM RIP, Pat Curtin RIP | Mick Kelly RIP, B Coy Transport NCO, in Jerusalem on a 60Hr | Mick McNamara, Paul Ledger, Eddie Galvin, Mick Tobin, John Corbett, Billy Two Beans Kiely, Pakie Kelly |
Molopoly Night in B Coy, Ken OBrien, Mick Kelly, Mick McNamara. Denis Fox. | NCOs No 3 Pln, B coy, Mick Shanahan, Skippy Kelly RIP, Pat McGarry, John Power DSM RIP, John Corbett, Tommy Carroll, John OHara | On Parade, Ben Murphy, Mick Kelly, John Sweeney, Brian OK Reade |
B Coy on Parade | Pat McGarry, Pakie Kelly, Foxy Morrsseey, on parade for the Bn CO | Pakie Kelly on Duty, Haddathah |
Paul Ledger, Billy Butler, handbag shopping in Jerusalem | B Coy Tug of War Competition | Tom Wallace, Larry Considine, PJ OLeary, Martin Coakley, Tom OLeary - - |
Tommy -, armed and dangerous | John Sweeney, Eddie Watters |